Analysis on conservative treatment for 40 cases of tubal pregnancy 保守治疗输卵管妊娠40例分析
Evaluation of clinical effect of various laparoscopic tubal pregnancy operations 腹腔镜下输卵管妊娠手术的临床疗效评价
Exploration on incidence of fitz - hugh - curtis syndrome in tubal pregnancy and tubal infertility 综合征在输卵管妊娠和不孕中的发生率及其意义
We should try our best to reserve the salpinx during tubal pregnancy if the patients need to keep their reproductive capabilities 对于输卵管积水行体外受精-胚胎移植者,如对侧卵巢缺如或卵巢功能低下,不宜做预防性输卵管切除术。